This issue is becoming more and more common. You’re in good company! You want to take control of your quality of life. We know life is short. We know we should be in a happier state of being. We know we should have better balance. And, we see others doing it (making transitions) with success!
With life changes and different choices, it’s an exciting dilemma. I myself faced this same predicament when I decided to get my coaching certification. Even Oprah faced doubts when she decided to make her shift from television to [publishing] magazines. So I understand the fear and the emotions that go along with this decision. These are samples of initial conversations I’ve had with clients. Do their questions resonate with you?
I feel so stuck, I know I don’t want to do this anymore. But, I don’t know if I should go back to school, find another job at a new company or start my own business.
How do I figure out what to do next?
What if I’m really not sure?
Why is it so important to know my core values?
How do I walk away from my successful career?
These are additional questions you may have:
If you share any of these concerns, I’d be happy to coach you through these life changing decisions. It’s extremely rewarding to help my clients find their focus while holding them accountable to reach their goals!