Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What is Life Coaching?

    A: Coaching is Co-Creative relationship, meaning both Coach and Client are equals in the process. The first step in the Co-Creation process is the development of personal, professional, business, or spiritual goals. Next, the strategy is drafted with an action plan. Then, the coach holds the client accountable to stay on track, provide guidance, course correct when necessary and achieve those goals. I have a very practical approach to coaching, especially when it comes to Career & Business coaching and Health & Wellness coaching as I have developed and follow a structured method (see my coaching packages for each service to learn more.

  • Q: What do we talk about?

    A: We cover your agenda, what you specifically want to achieve from the session. Coaching works best when you know what you want and can translate those wants and dreams into specific goals. If you can’t articulate that right now, that’s a good place for us to begin our coaching relationship.


    See if you can fill in the blanks:

    My goal for this Coaching Session is ____________

    because I would love to ______________

    I know that achieving this would provide ______________

  • Q: How is Life Coaching different from Counseling or Therapy?

    A: Life Coaching is all about the present and making strides to improve the status to create the life you’re dreaming of. Coaching does not replace therapy and quite often is a nice complement to counseling. I always recommend discussing coaching with your therapist – So far, I’ve never had a therapist tell a client not to engage in coaching

  • Q: How should I prepare for the session?

    A: In addition to having your Session Agenda ready before the appointment, you will want to clear your space. Take 5 or 10 minutes to eliminate any distractions (phones, kids, TV, etc.) Relax, collect your thoughts, and get centered. This time is for you.

  • Q: How can I make the most of the session?

    A: Come to the session with an intention of readiness and success. Have the belief that we will achieve success!

  • Q: How long does the call/session last?

    A: Depending on the momentum of the discussion, the sessions average 60 minutes.

  • Q: Are sessions scheduled in person or over the phone?

    A: Most sessions are conducted virtually for convenience and flexibility. However, if preferred, in-person sessions are available in Morris County, Flanders, NJ.

  • Q: How frequently do we meet?

    A: I recommend our sessions be scheduled one week to 10 days apart, no longer than 2 weeks. This is helpful with momentum, and it gives you just the right amount of time to complete homework assignments.

  • Q: Do you accept credit cards?

    A: Yes, Venmo is the preferred method of payment, but credit cards and checks are also accepted.

  • Q: What type of standards or confidentiality do you offer?

    A: As a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), I maintain the highest ethics and standards set forth by the ICF. Please see www.coachfederation.org/ethics for complete ethics and standards. I also maintain the highest confidentiality as stated in the My Coaching Services Terms & Conditions. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call Janet at (973) 876-8572 or email Janet@MyCoachingServices.com

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