Top Five Strategies for Overcoming Negativity During Unemployment

You must prepare yourself for the days of disappointment because unfortunately, the reality is that you will experience some let downs during this process. The job search, particularly for the unemployed can be very frustrating and overwhelming. Use these exercises to combat negativity, stay positive and focused on the goal.

  1. Create a Gratitude List  – This is your ‘go to’ list of reminders for when you’re feeling particularly low. No matter how small, you should create a list of things to be grateful. Since you are alive and breathing, you have at least two things to be thankful of right now. I recommend adding to this list daily and referring to it frequently. The more you recognize all of the things you’re grateful to have in your life, the more you will find. It’s perpetual and it’s an immediate up lifter!
  2. Develop and work on your own unique Self Confidence Builders  – Remind yourself of your major and even minor accomplishments. What you may consider minor may be of considerable significance to someone else. You’ve accomplished some great things in your life; remind yourself of them from time to time. They don’t necessarily have to be career related; they can be any of your proud moments in your life. Another excellent way to build your self-confidence is to mentor someone and provide help in someone else’s life. It is most rewarding!

  3. Remove your limiting beliefs  – Everyone has doubts in their mind that they believe are true. Yet, these are self-fulfilling prophecies. You have to change them and find the proof to disprove your limiting beliefs. This is easy to do when you seek out inspirational stories of others in tough times. I’ve read stories about Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, Walt Disney and many others. Oprah was advised early in her career that she should change her focus because she’d never make it on television. Michael Jordan went home crying from school when he didn’t make the high school basketball team. Albert Einstein’s elementary school teacher told his parents that he’d never amount to much because he was a poor student. Walt Disney was fired from his newspaper job because he was told he wasn’t creative or imaginative.  Thank goodness these icons and geniuses did not believe their advisors. Who knows how this world would be different if they did. They are proof that you’ve got to believe in yourself!
  4. Act it out  – create a ‘work routine’ Take advantage of an open schedule and fill it. There is a reason you are in the position you are in now; make it purposeful. Work on what you’ve always to and stay passionate. Volunteer work during this time is not only beneficial for your own method in staying positive; it is another very rewarding experience. When you give of yourself and know that you’re able to help others with your expertise, it can be more appreciative than a ‘real’ paying job. Don’t forget, your volunteer work should be added to your resume and discussed in an interview. You should talk about anything that shows your passion; you’ll be more alive, energetic and interesting. Those are the characteristics of a strong candidate, no matter the position.
  5. Stay connected!   If you don’t have a strong support system, force yourself to network and get out there. There are in-person networking groups through and several social media sites. Of course, LinkedIn is the most beneficial when relating to career and job searches. Networking is a great way to find out about new jobs. Employers and recruiters network more these days than they do fishing on the job boards or posting jobs. You have to be more aggressive and show your visibility in different discussions and groups so that you’ll be noticed. What would be better than to get a few emails a day asking “Would you be interested in this job?”

Lastly, give yourself a break.  This process can take weeks, months or even a year. Prepare yourself mentally and strengthen your support system. Be ready for when someone asks to “schedule an interview”. Also, be prepared for when someone tells you that the “role isn’t for you”. Most important: Stay focused and positive and if you need… call me.

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