The grass isn’t always greener… or is it?

When you’re contemplating your next move, are you comparing the new to the old? But does this really matter? My point is, you already made the decision to leave (or you have already left) your position. Your motivating reasons behind this decision shouldn’t have much bearing on what the new position looks like. Unless of course, you want to make sure the new doesn’t look like the old. However, if you are looking at which role is worse, you will only find more negatives across the board.

Instead, I recommend that when you are considering the new company or job, you should compare them to your values and desires that you have for you, your family and your future. When you look at these positives and align them with your core values, you will have a much stronger view as to whether this is a good fit for you to move. Whenever your goals are aligned with your core values, you reap higher satisfaction and deeper reward. Why? Because then it REALLY matters to you.

So, what are your core values? This is your foundation. How strong is your foundation? Can you build a home on it? Or, would you be afraid that it would crumble like a sand castle on the beach? Where are the weaknesses? Take this as an excellent opportunity to identify them and actually improve and strengthen them by CHOOSING to align your career with the life you want to live.

Wouldn’t you like to be one of the 30% who are committed and engaged with their work? Too many people are complacent or miserable at work today. However, I’m sure you either know someone or remember yourself waking up each morning with the passion and drive that you’re happy to go to work. Can you picture yourself excited about contributing your efforts? Wouldn’t you love to experience the benefits of having a rewarding and fulfilling job? Some benefits include:

  • Less unhealthy stress, you may feel stress, but the healthy kind. The kind of stress that propels you to accomplish your goals.
  • Improved health. With less unhealthy stress, overall negativity is reduced. Positive tendencies emerge including better nutrition and increased exercise. You’ll quit smoking, drink less caffeine and alcohol and feel better physically.
  • Recognition from your peers, family, and friends. They see you building momentum with a successful approach. They want to be like you, they want to succeed too.
  • You feel appreciation from others. As a role model or mentor, the gratitude is abundant and limitless. When you feel this, you feel happy and have an inner peace.
  • Self-confidence soars! You want to share and give of yourself. You realize that you have plenty to share. Whether you offer knowledge, responsibilities or success; good feelings will reciprocate and perpetuate!
  • You develop an excellent leadership style. People want to follow you because you lead by example.

Life just gets better and better! By focusing on your core values and aligning your career to support them, you will enjoy the greener grass on the other side!