Last month I shared with you my favorite exercise I use for gaining crystal clear clarity on your goals and dreams. As I mentioned, once you have your goal perfectly clear with tons of positivity surrounding it, then we use a very practical system in breaking down the goals with the SMART process.
SMART Goals:
S – Specific – Extremely detailed with who, what, where, when, how, etc.
M – Measurable – How will you know when it’s achieved?
A – Attainable, achievable – Not a wish!
R – Relevant with some risk – This is to stretch your comfort zone, learning a new skill or taking a leap of faith.
T – Time Based – Deadlines with targeted dates.
I break up larger goals (or projects) into smaller tasks, giving each task a target date for completion. This way, we can have small victories along the way and celebrate each successful step which creates and perpetuates momentum!
For example:
Goal: I want to start a new job, closer to home, making more money by 4/15.
Task: I will update my resume by 2/8, start networking and applying to jobs.
Task: Starting 2/11, I will set aside one hour per day on job boards and LinkedIn each week.
Task: By 2/12, I will complete a cover letter template that I can revise per job.
Task: By 2/15, I will connect with my references and let them know of my goal.
Task: By 2/18, I will rearrange my schedule so I can easily fit in an interview at least twice a week.
Task: By 3/1, I will schedule an Interview Practice and Prep session with my favorite Career Coach!
Victory: How will you celebrate these completed tasks?
There are some other step(s) you can take to help you attain your goal. The following are several of my favorite practices. Please let me know which one(s) you’d like to use!
Please let me know if you need individual assistance with any of these activities or tasks. I’m here to help! We can schedule a brief call to review your current situation and determine what level of guidance you need and prefer. Just click here to message me.