What Did You Say??

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Rather, what did your body say? Everyone knows that body language is louder than the words spoken. Yet, when you’re in an interview and you’re nervous and want desperately to make a good impression because you really, really want the job… you forget what you are saying non-verbally.

Whether you mean it or not, like it or not your body is speaking for you. So make sure you are in control of what your body is saying. The following three events will happen at every interview you have. Follow these simple reminders for the actions you’ll take and don’t be surprised of the immediate positive impact on the relationship.

  • When entering the doorway, (every door, including elevators):  Think of how you’d approach the podium when receiving a coveted award. You may find this to be too simple, but it’s highly effective. The award could be your degree, a special recognition for your individual effort, MVP status of your team; you get the picture…now model that picture. When else have you been most proud of yourself? Keep that thought in mind as you walk tall. Portraying yourself as a proud candidate will make a huge difference in your self-confidence at the critical point of the first impression.
  • When shaking hands: Think of when you were a kid…yes, however long ago that was… stay with me. When you were a young child and you observed adults shaking hands, what did you think? Think about it now. How did you feel when you watched two people come together with outstretched hands while they welcomed each other’s presence? Keep those warm thoughts in your mind when you shake hands with an interviewer. The other person will sense that you are a caring and impressive candidate who is welcoming them into your space. Ahh, the unspoken word; very powerful!
  • When meeting someone new: Lean toward them (slightly), smile (genuinely) and make eye contact. Smiling and visually connecting is crucial when creating that initial feeling that tells the other person ‘I like this person’. I’m interested in learning more about them. Just be careful not to get too close or smile uncomfortably and definitely don’t stare. This is when the old tried and true “be yourself” is most important. If you’re faking it or if you’re not comfortable, that is what your body will be saying. You have to be authentic to who you are. Remember, this is the best time to find out if you like each other. You’ll know right away when there is mutual likeness or dislikeness, so go with it friendly and happily for the best shot.

I don’t believe any approach can be too simple. I actually love the simple methods because they work best. Why not try these simple ideas? I bet you’ll be delighted with the results! And you know I’m all about results!  Please share your experiences using these ideas, I’d love to hear your feedback!