They want to interview over the phone?

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I was invited to be a Guest Speaker at Fairleigh Dickinson University to speak with the students in a Communications class about Phone Interviewing. When I spoke with them, these were their primary questions:

Why am I scheduling an interview over the phone?

  • They were truly concerned and confused. I explained the job market conditions and how the Human Resources departments today are inundated with resumes. They can’t possibly schedule all interviews in person. In order to review the resumes, phone screens or interviews save them (and the candidate) precious time.

How can I project myself as a good candidate over the phone?

  • The best way to present yourself in an interview whether in person, over the phone or Skype, is to be prepared and organized. Never answer questions to a recruiter when you’re not prepared. They will be more appreciative of your professionalism when you say something like: I’m in the middle of something right now; can we schedule a time to talk? Even if it’s in an hour later, at least you’ll have time to get centered and do research.
  • Being prepared and organized are two activities that cannot be ignored. It would be like a pitcher taking the mound during a baseball game without warming up. Or, like a pianist performing a new piece of music in front of a packed audience without ever playing it before. Do yourself the biggest favor ever… practice, prepare and organize yourself before taking a phone interview.

How can I get an interview in person?

  • You’ll ask for it! By presenting yourself well over the phone, you will likely schedule an in-person interview next. Or, the next step might be another phone interview with the hiring authority. It depends on the size of the company and their interview process.  If you’ve practiced, prepared and organized yourself before the initial phone interview, you will have prepared a list of the following points and questions.
  • Have the job description or requirements with your accomplishments and experience and how you can show that you have and/or can perform these job responsibilities.
  • Next, have your top strengths and highlights that you want to remember to mention when appropriate.
  • After all, have questions poignant to the interviewer. Don’t ask inconsequential questions; don’t waste anyone’s time, especially yours! Ask questions that will show you are a serious contender. Click here for the top questions to ask during and after an interview.

I recommend these interview tips for any interview (face to face, phone or Skype); consistency is key. If you come across well over the phone and follow that up with a solid in-person performance, you will be on your way to the offer stage! For more interviewing tips and techniques contact us! We’re here to help you get through the job search as efficiently as possible!